American Wisconsin Ginseng Root Jamsine Tea

Product Description
30-1.8g teabags
*This tea has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world. This ancient but still sought after natural gift to mankind had long been treasured and safely consumed by millions throughout the world for its exclusive properties-the Rb ginsenosides, for example, are double the potency compared to Korean ginseng.
*Jasmine tea is related to green tea and pocesses similar properties with a smoother pleasant taste. It has been known and valued by Chinese herbalists for ages due to its unique aroma, soothing and cooling qualities. The active ingredinet in green tea is polyphenol catechins, which has proven anti-oxidant properties. Anitoxidants combat free radicals which can cause cell damage by taming free radicals. Antioxidants help the body maintain its natural good health and immune functions.. Recent scientific research has investigated green tea's benefits toward maintaining cardiovascular health, strong immunity and proper cellular tissue growth.
Ingredients: Top grade American ginseng roots and premium jasmine tea.
Brewing instructions: Hot: place the tea bag in a cup or a warmed tea pot. Add 4 fl. oz. boiling water. Leave for about 3-5 minutes to bring out full flavor. Honey many be added to enhance the pleasant, delicate taste. Tea tea bag can be rebrewed several times.
Iced: for a frosty glass of refreshing iced tea, pour 1/2 cup(3 fl. oz.) of boiling water over the teabag and steep 3-5 minutes. Stir, remove teabag, cool and pour over ice cubes. Honey may be added.
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