Gejie Da Bu Wan / Gecko Tonic Pill

Gejie Da Bu Wan / Gecko Tonic Pill
Item# gejie-da-bu-wan--gecko-tonic-pill

Product Description

50 capsules

Ingredients: Gecko 21.5%, radix condonopsis pilosule 4.3%, radix astragali 4.3%, fructus lycii 4.1%, radix angelicae sinensis 3.8%, poria 5%, radix rehmaniae 6.8%, frutus ligustri lucidi 5.2%, raidx glycyrrhizae 2.8%, radix dioscoreae 5.3%, fructus chaenomelis lagenariae 4.7%, radix morimdae 4.3%, rhizoma atractylodis alba 4.3%, radix dipsaci 4.8%, cortex eucommiae 4.3%, rhizoma polygonati 5.7%, rhizoma drynariae 4%.

Direction: After breakfast and supper, each time take 3-5 capsules with boiled water or soup. Keep this product away from children.

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