Multi-Herbal Dandelion Liver Detox Formula

Product Description
24-3g teabags. No sugar, preservatives, artifical color or flavor.
Each bag(3g)is abstracted from 12g of raw material.
*Multi-herbal dandelion formula is processed by advanced technology to maximize its effectiveness. Based on a liver nourishing formula studied for many years by professor Wang Zhi-Pu of Chinese academy of traditional chinese medicine, its restarts circulation to the liver, helps to nourish the liver and improves liver function.
*This formula is intended to improve liver function and restarting circulation. It may help with liver disorders and digestive problems.
Ingredients: proprietary blend(3g) of dandelion, chinese peony, thorowax, turmeric, chinese salvia, oriental wormwood, bittersweet, codonopsis, bighead atractyodes, tangerine, bitter orange, poria, astragalus, isatis, chinese skullap.
Direction: Serve with one cup(250ml) of boiling water and steep for 3-5 minutes; add honey and lemon for better taste. 1-2 bags a time, three times a day for seven week.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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